So mothers day is nearly over for another year. I hope any mothers here had a fantastic day, and any dads here treated the ladies well! (Relax guys you dont need to panic now until a birthday or anniversary is due!)
As i have been trying to keep my blogs somewhat regular, my mind is constantly thinking about what to write to entertain the people that may stumble across it! But writing a blog makes me think about things perhaps from a different angle, or more in depth than perhaps i normally would.
So mothers day, a day to be spoilt, put the feet up, leave the housework and the kids to the partner and enjoy the gifts you have been given right?Â
Well yes thats the way it should be i believe.
Mothers, of any age should certainly be shown appreciation on mothers day because they contribute so much to family life.Â

They are the bearer of our children, the source of nourishment for our babies, the ladies who keep us dads right around the house, who help raise or sons as gentlemen and our daughters as ladies!Â
And they are so much more!
But mothers are humble. They know they do so much for the home, and from my experience, ask for very little in return other than love!
Clare is a magnificent mum, and im not afraid to say that. A very steong person, who at the young age of only 24 has 3 amazing children (4 depending on how i am some days) and has had 2 miscarriages, oh and she is married to me (a stress in and of itself) but for anyone that agr its certainly a lot and it comes with so much pressure - but she handles it so well.
I am learning to appreciate that and learning how i can become more like that too, at the end of the day we are a team.
My own mother has been fantastic, and has now become a wonderful grandmother to 5! There isnt many words to describe how amazing she is and how much i love her! I truly would be lost without her!
But fellas, for those of you out there that are reading this? Dont wait for one day in the year set aside to show your mother, or your kids mothers how important they are. A simple text, a hug, a compliment or flowers.Â
It doesnt take much to show your appreciation!
Weve all had the texts from our mothers asking what time we would be home, the phone calls just to say hello for no reason, the whack with the wooden spoon when we were younger and even the threat from the mother that your father would be soon home and you knew youd be in trouble.
Truth is...your mum wont be around forever, treasure her whilst you can!
For those of you who have a stepmother or are a single mother - you are doing an amazing job, your children will see that when your children grow up, they will the see the love that you gave them and noone can take it from them!
So this evening, hug your mum, say thank you, tell them you love them!Â