What a mad week this has been!
This week has been brilliant for us for many different reasons. Apart from the normal things, school, grocery shopping etc we attended a few other things which have been great.
For the first time we got to attend a Sure Start, aided by the free crèche facilities they provide! We went to a Feeding Under 5s program which looks at healthy ways to feed young children and avoid all the nasty things out there, and I didn’t realise how important certain things were!
Whilst we were at this program, as I said before, we took advantage of the free crèche facilities. This made us nervous for two reasons because it was the first time we left Sofia with strangers on her own, and secondly it was the first time we have put Elijah into something like this, even though we have been contemplating it lately. Elijah would be very attached to me and cries any time I leave him.
But both kids got on so well. No tears, no meltdowns, nothing. It was great. It meant we could sign up to partake in other programs available which was great!
We also had our first school meeting at Kyrans School. This gave us an insight into how Kyran was getting on in his Irish school and he is doing really well which was great to hear! But Clare and I both ended up becoming part of the committee, which is a proud thing for me as a parent to be involved in his little school. They work on a very narrow budget and depend on volunteers helping and fundraising so I look forward to helping them in their 10 year anniversary!
On Thursday, Parenting NI are running a Halloween event in town which we will attend. They were great to support my cinema day when I ran it, and It will be great to take my kids to it as well knowing they will have fun!
Friday we have Kyran in his first Halloween Costume Day at school followed by a Halloween Party at Sure Start straight afterwards!
And too top it all off, I have been selected by a company to do a product review, which will be my first exclusive review so I am really excited to get working on that (Be sure to keep an eye out for that!)
So from last week to nearly quitting, to this week having so much enthusiasm and involvement in lots of things, it is brilliant! I really am excited by it!
Be sure to check out my page and my social media where I share a few things there too!