I recently fell back in love with a song by Snow Patrol called Lifening, and every time I hear it, it really gets me thinking. A lot of modern music doesn’t really do that for me, and it’s a bit of a lost art now.
But really look at the lyrics and see what they say:
A hand upon my forehead, the joking and the laugh Waking up in your arms, a place to call my own
This is all I ever wanted from life, this is all I ever wanted from life This is all I ever wanted from life
Ireland in the World Cup either North or South The fan club on the jukebox, the birds and yes the bees
This is all I ever wanted from life, this is all I ever wanted from life This is all I ever wanted from life
Words of reassurance but only if they're true Just some simple kindness, no vengeance from the gods
This is all I ever wanted from life, this is all I ever wanted from life This is all I ever wanted from life
To share what I've been given, some kids eventually And be for them what I've had, a father like my dad
This is all I ever wanted from life, this is all I ever wanted from life This is all I ever wanted from life
This is all I ever wanted from life, this is all I ever wanted from life This is all I ever wanted from life
Simple words and simple requests from life, but it can be so easy to be drawn into the whole drama around our lives that we forget that sometimes the simplest things are the most meaningful! I appreciate that we are all busy doing one thing and another, but if we took 5 minutes to sit down and strip everything back to its importance, you will see that a lot of the stuff that we thinks makes us busy or is important isn’t really all that!
My old boss once said to me, “are we busy or are we busy fools?”
Maybe that’s the case. I know I get so worried and caught up in things beyond my control or that don’t really matter in the grand scheme of things, but this takes the place of something that should be more worthy of my time and thoughts, such as my kids and my wife and friends.
Ultimately, as long as I have a roof over our heads, enough money to get by, and food on the table and we are happy and healthy, every thing else after that can fall into place however it wants.
It makes me think about a post that Darren Beggs recently wrote about making time for you, your partner, and your friends and family. You can read it HERE. But it really hit home. When was the last time you popped around to see your mate, or spent quality time with your parents, or just sat down with your kids and watched them! We never seem to have time, but yet we have hours to throw away on our phones or laptops. Unfortunately Darrens friend passed away, and that is time you never get back.
So why wait until its too late, or until you have regrets. Make those little changes now.
Right now, I am getting to a place where I am happy and enjoying my life with my family, yes we have hiccups, but that’s all they are and they pass. I was worried about financial things, material things, things that when I look back now they were completely irrelevant. But as my outlook on life changes, so does the quality of life that I have, because I am learning how to be content with what I have, all the other troubles just fade away into nothingness.
So my advice would be to give your buddy a call, sit down with your partner and/or your kids and pop your phone away or call round to your folks for a cuppa! Enjoy the little things in life and strip back the chaos from your life and enjoy! Being content with your life is important, even if the world around us tries to tell you differently.
Be content in the moment, be content with your life.
Below is the acoustic version of the song and Gary himself puts it better than I could!
My life right now is all I ever wanted from life!