I was looking over my website, and trying to improve it and I looked over my Fantastic Fathers segment. It was a weekly segment where I interviewed dads to get their stories, and it was a great read! And then I realised I hadn’t done one for myself, so here it is.
But before I continue any further, let me tell you something, I am not a fantastic father. Im not a perfect father, but Im a father that will do his best by his kids and always put them first. There is no such thing as a perfect parent.
JamesyNI: So James firstly how many Kids have you got at the moment?
James: We have 3 wonderful children and a 4th due in June. Sounds daunting to many but to us it doesn’t seem like a big challenge because we already have 3!
JamesyNI: Is being a dad something that you have always wanted to happen?
James: I have always wanted to be a dad. I have always loved the notion of starting my own family and raising children. Even from a teenager, I had always wanted at least 2 kids by the time I was 30 and it happened. I wouldn’t change it for the world if I am being honest. I love seeing my children learn and explore and develop their individual personalities.
JamesyNI: Everyone reacts differently when they are told they are having a child, what was your reaction and how did you feel about it?
James: Surprised at first then a little bit of panic, but only because your brain automatically starts to trying to work it out and plan for it all. It can be quite overwhelming, but once the realisation settles then its fine. You start to understand more. Then you really start to love your little baby even before they are born!
JamesyNI: And how did this change when your children were born?
James: For me, I clicked into Dad-Mode. One of the very first things I did was the dreaded Black Poo Nappy, normally I wouldn’t have touched a nappy or dared change one, but this was different, it was my job for my son! It has been everything I had somewhat expected but there have been things that I still have learned and have yet to learn as I go along.
JamesyNI: We all have moments where the children just make you laugh, what are some of the funniest moments to happen for you?
James: There are way too many to try and list. One recently was when we were to go somewhere but it was late at night and the boys were in bed, and Kyran got upset so I lifted him up to hug him and explain why we weren’t going, and he even offered me the £5 his granny had given him. I could do nothing but giggle at him.
JamesyNI: Being a dad can have its ups and downs, but what are some of the most rewarding moments you have had as a dad?
James: Being a part of the parents committee for Kyrans school has definitely rewarding. I really enjoy trying to help his education. Just being there for them. There are little moments where you just stop and think how lucky you are to have these little rascals running around.
JamesyNI: We all want our children to have the best future, what are your aspirations for them growing up?
James: I want my kids to be happy and healthy with whatever they decide to do, or where life takes them and know that whatever happens, I will always be here to support and protect them should they ever need it.
JamesyNI: Finally, every New and Existing dad can benefit from some advice, are there any words of wisdom you can share with us?
James: Advice I would give to any dad, is to get stuck in with parenting and don’t be afraid of it. Put your phone down, take time out and enjoy life with your kids. They do grow up so fast and soon they are toddlers, teenagers then adults and you’ll miss those little moments where they want to hold your hand or hug you for no reason but they just want too!